Waste Collection Programs


CURRENTLY ON HOLD due to UCSD Facilities Management infrastructure support. Stay tuned for an announcement when the program comes back!


Cigarette Butts

Though UC San Diego is a smoke-free campus, cigarette butts still make their way to Scripps. Our top goal is to keep butts from going into the ocean. Butt disposal containers will return to the campus soon.


GENERAL: Blue bins are located in every building for recyclable items.

SPECIAL ITEMS (see map of locations):

  • Batteries
  • Writing instruments - ballpoint pens, highlighters, whiteout pens, markers
  • Packing materials (bubble wrap, padded envelopes)
  • Soft plastics (bags, Saran wrap)
  • Candy/energy bar wrappers
  • Water filters
  • E-waste - Small items can be dropped off with Allyson Long in the Scripps Admin building. Collection bins for larger items are available in several buildings on a bi-monthly schedule. 

Note: Coffee cups, No. 6 plastic ‘to-go’ boxes, and food-contaminated recyclables, are NOT recyclable. See the full list of non-recyclable items.

The UCSD Sustainability Resources Center has a full list of 'specialty' recyclable items that they accept

Water Bottle Refill Stations

Water bottle refill stations are in the following locations:

  • Birch Aquarium (next to Gift Shop)
  • Deep Sea Drilling West (next to restrooms)
  • Eckart 2nd floor (next to restrooms)
  • Hubbs Hall (1st floor, adjacent to elevator)
  • Hydraulics Lab (next to restroom)
  • New Scripps Admin building (lobby)
  • Nierenberg Hall (3rd floor hallway)
  • Riiter Hall (1st floor, adjacent to elevator)
  • Sverdrup Hall (1st floor, west side)
  • Vaughan Hall (2nd floor, east side)

IT IS ESSENTIAL to follow COMPOSTING and RECYCLING GUIDELINES. If non-compostable items contaminate the compost, the program will be fined or terminated.

Compost bins are emptied 1-2 times per week into green 32-gallon collection bins located in the Ritter Hall Service Yard. 

SIO for Sustainability currently maintains the program via a volunteer network. Our ultimate goal is to integrate composting into the overall Scripps waste collection system.