Richard H. and Glenda G. Rosenblatt Lectureship in Evolutionary Biology

The Richard H. and Glenda G. Rosenblatt Lectureship in Evolutionary Biology was established with a generous contribution from the Rosenblatts. Richard Rosenblatt, PhD, was a renowned ichthyologist and curator emeritus of the Marine Vertebrates Collection, part of the Scripps Oceanographic Collections, the largest and most complete university-based oceanographic collection in the world.

Rosenblatt's research focused on the geographic distribution and evolution of fishes and the biology and history of shore and island animals. As curator, he was responsible for overseeing the more than 2 million specimens, some 5,300 species, in the Scripps Marine Vertebrates Collection, which serves as a unique, enormous reference library for basic research and ecological studies.

The Rosenblatt Lecturer is selected for current, outstanding scientific contributions in evolutionary biology. The Rosenblatt Lecturer presents a lecture on his/her area of scientific expertise to the Scripps community and meets with Scripps scientists for intellectual discussions over the course of a three-day period.

The Rosenblatt Lecture is awarded annually and each recipient receives a $3,000 cash award.
